Tuesday 12 June 2012

A little announcement.


Good Evening folks....

I'm just posting this to let you know I am taking over the running of the Challenge blog and the Group.

Emma is taking a little bit of a breather from things and I've agreed to stand in for her with my smelly size 6's.... !!!...

However, Emma has left me a comment to say the following -

"I have had a fantastic time setting up and growing the group. So many wonderful people have helped me along the way. The time has come for me to hand it over do it can grow even bigger and develop even better!"

I am sure we can make this group even better, we can use it to grow our friendships, our links and our blog followers. Let's make this group the best one out there.... let's connect and keep it friendly.. let's make it a success.. !!

Thank you to all our 335 members on the Facebook group, and new ones that are sooo welcome to come on board.

Love Jo xx


  1. Thanks Emma for everything you did for the group, your're amazing. Big hugs


  2. Enjoy your break Emma :D

    Ger xxx

  3. i really enjoy and get inspired by the crafty bloggers group. so here is a huge thankyou for all your hard work and hope that emma has a good rest :)

  4. Thank you for your hard work Emma in setting up this blog it & keeping it going, I have found new friends & new blogs to enjoy.
    Have a great break & good luck to Jo

    Jane x
