Monday 28 November 2011

Challenge 5 - OTHER THAN A CARD (something 3D)

Friday 25 November 2011

WINNER - Challenge 3

Please get in touch with Jo Sylvia, so she can get your prize sorted out and sent onto you. 

Please email Jo - or contact with a PM through the Facebook site.

Please check below for details of our Challenge 4... and please join in.. It would be lovely to see your work!

Monday 21 November 2011

Challenge 4 - Sketch Challenge

I heard on the TV yesterday that it's only 32 days to Christmas.. blimey, where's the time going this year? And I can't believe we're already to announce our Challenge for week 4!

Again, there have been some fantastic entries for last week's challenge, and I'll be sifting through them to choose a winner over the next day or so.. so watch out for Wednesday when I announce our winner of the week.

Onto this week's challenge, and we have a lovely sketch challenge.

This is a sketch that Nikki found from the site. Isn't it lovely?
And here are our entries from the Design Team. 






We would absolutely love to see all your creations - please leave us a link to your entry. If you are joining us, and don't have a blog, then please take a look at the CBN on Facebook, and edit the document (found at the top of the page) for us to check out your entries. Please remember not to link to old work - we would love it if you can create something new. Happy Crafting!

Sunday 20 November 2011

How to take photo's of your cards

I've added a little tutorial for you all, on how to take photographs of your cards.

Just check out the Photography for your Blog link up at the top of the page.

I hope it helps. xx

Thursday 17 November 2011

Winner - Challenge 2

Sorry this is slightly late, but I have had a busy few days.. still, I'm here and ready to announce that the winner of this second challenge was

Please get in touch with me Catherine, then I can get your prize sorted out and sent onto you. 

Please email me - or contact with a PM through the Facebook site.

Please check below for details of our Challenge 3... and please join in.. It would be lovely to see your work!

Monday 14 November 2011

Challenge 3 - All the Two's...

Hi everyone!

Wow.. what a fabulous response again to our challenge from last week! Let's hope that the group keeps growing and growing week by week.

Onto our Challenge number 3... and this week we'd like to see 
All the Two's... 

Please make your card using TWO of EVERYTHING on your card or project, and click the linky at the bottom to enter. 

Here are our Design Team projects to give you inspiration.







We would absolutely love to see all your creations - please leave us a link to your entry. If you are joining us, and don't have a blog, then please take a look at the CBN on Facebook, and edit the document (found at the top of the page) for us to check out your entries. Please remember not to link to old work - we would love it if you can create something new.

 Happy Crafting!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Winner - Challenge 1

I'd just like to announce the winner of the CBN Challenge 1.. 

the winner is DEBBI.. .who's blog is here.. 

Thank you for entering Debbi.. your card is just stunning and fits the Challenge really well. 

If you're at a loose end this week, and would like to have a chance to win the Challenge, why not play along with our second challenge.

We would absolutely love to see all your creations - please leave us a link to your entry. If you are joining us, and don't have a blog, then please take a look at the CBN on Facebook, and edit the document (found at the top of the page) for us to check out your entries.

 Please remember not to link to old work - we would love it if you can create something new. Happy Crafting!

Monday 7 November 2011

Challenge 2 - Pink, Purple and Green..

Yes folks, it's time for our next Challenge.. and I can't quite believe how fantastic the response was to our very first Challenge!! Thank you soooo much for playing along!

I would also like to say, on a personal note from me and Emma, a very big Thank you to those members of the Crafty Bloggers Network who came along to see us at the NEC at the weekend. It was lovely to put a face to a name!

The theme for this week's Challenge is
Pink, Purple and Green..

And the Design Team have been really busy creating their projects for you to see... Here they are. 


Emma's cards




I will apologise for the lack of my personal card, I will upload it probably tomorrow.. as I've had a busy weekend down at the NEC with Docrafts, and haven't had a chance to get this one finished... *reminder to self - get yourself organised! lol*

You can enter as many times as you like, but please, no back linking.